NEWS UPDATE - 6th June 2024
We live in a time like no other in history. Yes, what has been will be
again and there is "nothing new under the sun." But never before have we experienced ALL the calamities, war, wickedness, civil turmoil and deceptions
at the same time like we do now. Just take a look at what is going on in this world:
"The 2024 Eurovision Song Contest Was Basically a Demonic Ritual - the world elite had to turn this campy music competition into an outlet for indoctrination. And they couldn't be subtle about it; the entire thing became a heavy-handed embodiment of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wish I were exaggerating or being overly dramatic but, as we'll see, I'm just stating facts." (source)
"As in the days of Noah and Lot, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man." (Luke 17:26-30)
"Israel's Netanyahu: We're ready for intense action against Hezbollah - The IDF is prepared for military action against Hezbollah, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a visit Wednesday morning to the northern border ... We are prepared for very intense action in the north. One way or another, we will restore security to the north, he stressed." (source)
"NATO preparing troop plans for potential Russia conflict - NATO is working on plans to rush tens of thousands of US troops along land corridors in Western Europe in the event of war with Russia, a senior strategist has told The Telegraph." (source)
"Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up ... Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe." (Joel 3:9-13)
"With JPMorgan, Mastercard on board in biometric 'breakthrough' year, you may soon start paying with your face - Biometric payment options are becoming more common. Amazon introduced pay-by-palm technology in 2020, and while its cashier-less store experiment has faltered, it installed the tech in 500 of its Whole Foods stores last year. Mastercard, which is working with PopID, launched a pilot for face-based payments in Brazil back in 2022, and it was deemed a success ... A deal that PopID recently signed with JPMorgan is a sign of things to come in the U.S., said John Miller, PopID CEO, and what he thinks will be a 'breakthrough' year for pay-by-face technology." (source)
The tools are being put in place ready to enforce the mark of the beast - the mark of Papal Rome - "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:17)
"The Vatican releases new guidance on investigating supernatural phenomena - The Catholic Church published a document on Friday providing new guidance for the discernment of alleged supernatural phenomena." (source)
Are they preparing for some 'lying signs and wonders'? Jesus' return is "after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders." (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
These are just some snippets of what is going on in the world. Add to this the disasters taking place; Mass immigration in Europe and America; A Massive election year in America that could see Trump back in power to further the church/state agenda or civil war breaking out if he doesn't. Mass protests taking place; Right-wing governments coming to power around the world and wickedness rising to a whole new level. The people will be crying out for 'morality' to be returned and Satan will be ready to give them what they desire - the image of the beast. A church led state power, just as Revelation 13 prophesied! With America leading the way with this.
So with all the signs of the times right before us, and deceptions rising. What is our focus? Are our eyes firmly fixed on Jesus Christ, or are we still burdened with the cares of this life? Trouble is right before us and we must be ready in Christ, with strong faith, to stand through the firey trial that awaits us. And we must be rooted in God's word, His TRUTH, so as not to be taken in by the deadly delusion coming upon this world.
Colossians 1:10 ...'That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.'