On this page you will find Bible prophecy studies, end times studies and articles revealing great and precious truths that Satan has been trying to hide and destroy for centuries.

"The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight. So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures. By their testimony every statement and every miracle must be tested. None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict. To every soul will come the searching test: Shall I obey God rather than men? The decisive hour is even now at hand. Are our feet planted on the rock of God's immutable word? Are we prepared to stand firm in defense of the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?" (The Great Controversy)


Joshua 24:20 ...'If ye forsake the LORD, and serve strange gods, then he will turn and do you hurt, and consume you.' - IMPORTANT PRESENT TRUTH STUDY - IS THE TRINITY BIBLICAL?


IMPORTANT End Time Truths


Christ our Righteousness

The Final Test is Coming - MUST READ!

The TRUE Gospel of the Kingdom

Seek the Lord while He may be Found

URGENT Warning from God - Judgment Coming!

The Mystery of God vs the Mystery of Iniquity

Duty of God's People in Day of Atonement

By Beholding we Become Changed - Put on Mind of Christ


First Angel's Message - The FEAR OF GOD

Second Angel's Message - BABYLON IS FALLEN

The Third Angel's Message

The Deadly Delusion Coming!

Eternal Hell Proven FALSE by Third Angel's Message

The Sin of Sodom and GREATER Sin of God's People

Sunday Churches MISSING KEY POINT regarding the Sabbath

Church Fathers, Sunday and the Catholic Church


God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit


Is the Trinity Teaching Biblical?

Is Jesus the Literal Son of God?

The One True God in the 3 Angels Messages

A Philosophical Idol vs The True God

The Father was with His Son at Calvary

Bible Proof that Jesus is Wisdom in Proverbs 8

The Comforter

Bible Reference Page for the true Godhead

Jesus in the Old Testament

Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Matt.28:19

How many beings in the Godhead?

The Origin of Sin

The ECUMENICAL God of Rome

The Trinity is part of the Sunday Law

Code of Justinian, America and Forced Trinity worship


What does it Mean to KNOW God and His Son?

Matthew 28:19 EXPLAINED

Truth About 1 John 5:7

We Believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - an Explanation

The Human Nature of Christ

Can we Worship Jesus?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Christ and His Angels Supply the Spirit

Is Jesus Christ God?

Jesus came to Reveal the Father, NOT the Trinity

The TRUTH About Isaiah 9:6

Did Arius REALLY believe Christ was Created?

Holy Spirit was GIVEN to Jesus Christ

Does Elohim mean Trinity?

The Counsel of Peace

Studies for SDA's


Bible Prophecy Studies


70th Week of Daniel and the BLASPHEMY of the Churches Today

Why Revelation MUST be Studied using Historical Viewpoint

First Angel's Message - The FEAR OF GOD

Second Angel's Message - BABYLON IS FALLEN


REV.13 Says the Earth ITSELF will Worship the Beast!

Who is the 7 Headed Beast of Revelation?

Daniel 11 and King of the North

666 And The Mark of The Beast

Is the RFID Chip the Mark of the Beast?

Who is the Antichrist

What is the Image of the Beast

Three Angels Message of Revelation

The 1000 Year Millennium

Seven Churches - Ephesus to Laodicea


Why Antiochus Epiphanes CANNOT be the Little Horn of Dan.8

The 1260, 1290 and 1335 Time Prophecies of Daniel 12

The 70 Weeks of Daniel

The 1260 day Prophecy of Daniel and Revelation

2300 Day Prophecy of Daniel

Revelation 10 and the Opened Book

The Mark of the Beast is all about WORSHIP

666 - Do you have the Number of the Beast?

The Four Beasts of Daniel 7

The Battle of Armageddon

Mark or Name or Number of Beast

The Two Witnesses of Revelation

Who are the 144000 of Revelation?

Who is the Whore of Babylon?

America in Bible Prophecy

Isaiah 2 and End Time Church-State unity

The 7 Trumpets of Revelation


End Times Studies


The FINAL Test is Coming! MUST READ!

The Deadly Delusion Coming!

Signs and Wonders NOT the mark of God's end time People

The Rise of Antichrist - Is He Here?

End Times as in the days of Noah and Lot

IT'S COMING - You Cannot Stop it but you can be Ready for it

Duty of God's People During Day of Atonement

The Battle of Armageddon

29 Characteristics of Antichrist

The Time of Trouble

Are we In the Last Days

Time of Judgment is Here

Satanic Miracles in the Last Days


God WARNED us About Papal Rome!

Why does US Congress have Portraits of Inquisition Popes?

Bible Proof: The Rapture Theory is False

Seek the Lord While He may be Found

Jezebel, Herodias and Coming Persecution

New World Order DECEPTION

Come out of Babylon My People

The Man of Sin Revealed

Satan's FINAL Deception

Deceptions in the Church

End Time Deceptions

Israel in End Times Prophecy

Present Truth


The Bible Sabbath


It's Over for Sunday Keeping - Irrefutable Sabbath Truth

Was the Sabbath Exclusively Tied to the First Covenant?

To Keep the Sabbath is to Delight Yourself in the Lord - Isaiah 58

Did the Apostles change the Sabbath to Sunday?

Reject the 7th day Sabbath and you Remain Under the Law

Bible PROOF Concerning the Sabbath Day

Does 'Every day Alike' in Romans 14 include the Sabbath?

Sabbath is a Sign between God and Israel - WHO IS ISRAEL?

You Observe Days and Years, but Ignore the Sabbath

Lunar Sabbath Exposed


When does the Sabbath Day Begin - Sunset or Sunrise?

The Seventh day Sabbath from Creation and in Egypt

Historical Evidence that the Sabbath is Saturday

What the Gates of New Jerusalem Prove Regarding Israel and the Sabbath

Historical Evidence shows the Pope DID Change Sabbath

A Tree, a River and the Sabbath

7th Day Sabbath and the Gregorian Calendar Change

God's Timeline Proves the 7th day Sabbath

Sunday Churches MISSING KEY POINT regarding the Sabbath


Faith and the Law of God


The Key to Receiving the Latter Rain

What is the Law of Sin and Death?

The Same Word that Created Heaven and Earth can make you Righteous

Preserved Blameless - TRUE Righteousness by Faith

E.J.Waggoner on Romans 7

First Angel's Message - The FEAR OF GOD

Was the Law Abolished in 2 Corinthians 3?

Faith and Works

Ten Commandments in Bible Prophecy


Which has More Power - Grace or Sin?

By Beholding we Become Changed - Put on Mind of Christ

The Mystery of God verses The Mystery of Iniquity

SIN is the Greatest Threat to the World

Justification by Faith is Victory over Sin

Righteousness by Faith

Role of God's Law in Righteousness by Faith

True Liberty and Freedom

Jesus Fulfilled the Law - What Does that Mean?




NASA, the Jesuits and the Sabbath


God's Creation vs NASA's Lies - THE MOON

God's Creation vs NASA's Lies - THE STARS


Various Bible Studies


A Servant of Jesus Christ

The Burnt Offering and Vital Lesson for Today

Jephthah and his Daughter - Love, Sacrifice and Honour

Why Many Continue to Stuggle in Sin

Jesus is Coming back for a HOLY Church without Blemish

This is the Will of God - Your Sanctification

Parable of the Ten Virgins

Jesus Temptation and Vital Lessons for Today

The Father was with His Son at Calvary

Sin of Sodom and GREATER Sin of God's People

NEVER lay down the Sword of the Spirit

Was the Atonement Finished at the Cross?

We are COMPLETE in Christ

What is the faith of Jesus?

Saved IN Sin or FROM Sin?

Prosperity Gospel EXPOSED

Enough with the Smooth Sermons

Put on the Armour of God

Was Peter the First Pope?

Why Hasn't Jesus Returned Yet?

Spirit, Soul, Body and Life After Death

What Must I do to be Saved?

Jezebel, Herodias' Daughter and the Coming Persecution

Melchisedec - Who was he?


What Happens When we Die? Truth About Death

Truth About Hell - PART 1 - Where and What is Hell?

Truth About Hell - PART 2 - Does Hell Burn Forever?

By Beholding we Become Changed - Put on Mind of Christ

Eternal Hell Proven FALSE by Third Angel's Message

The TRUTH about the Thief on the Cross

When does a Biblical Day Begin - Sunset or Sunrise?

The True Gospel of the Kingdom of God

Should Christians Tithe? Tithing is a Gospel Institution

God Commanded Christians to not eat Meat with Blood

Speaking in Tongues - THE TRUTH!

Sacred Name of God Movement

Which Gospel do you Follow? True or False Gospel?

Transforming Power of the Gospel

False Mainstream Doctrines Exposed

Faith and Works TOGETHER?

The Law in Galatians

The Sanctuary Message

The Deadliest Temptation

The Profane and Sacred

False Doctrines of the Catholic Church

Bible Sanctification Defined

Who were the Sons of God and Nephilim in Gen.6?


Interesting Articles


7 Practical Steps for Overcoming Sin


ISSUES Regarding D.M.Canright's Rejection of Adventism

Should Christians Listen to Secular Music?

Climate Change is NOT the problem - SIN IS

Quotes about Christmas

Should we Follow the Majority?

What was Secured by the Death of Christ?

The Danger from WITHIN the Church

The "Anonymous" Jesuit Deception

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

The Order of the Jesuits

Why all the Natural Disasters?

Are we Living in the End Times?

Being 'Lazy' in the End Times

Great Controversy Over



NASA, the Jesuits, Creation and the Sabbath

Secret History of the Catholic Church

Churches being setup to accept Satan

Club of Rome Admit Inventing Climate Agenda

End of 2300 Days - A Vision

A Little Warning Message

Roman Catholic Religion Built on Paganism

A World Ruined over a Piece of Fruit!

Futurism, Preterism or Historicism?

Should Christians Vote?

What is the Apocalypse?

Emergence of Antichrist

End Times Quotes

The Deception of Evolution


Studies by our Pioneers


Supposed Bible 'Contradictions' by J.P.Enderson

Wednesday Crucifixion? by Uriah Smith

Studies in the Book of Hebrews by E J Waggoner

The Law in Galatians by E J Waggoner

The Faith of Jesus by A T Jones

Comments on Romans 7 (1) by E J Waggoner

Comments on Romans 7 (2) by E J Waggoner

The Obedience of Faith by E J Waggoner

Historical Necessity of the Third Angel Message by A T Jones


The Gospel in the Sanctuary by G.E.Fifield

The First Great Commandment by A.T.Jones

God Manifest in the Flesh by E J Waggoner

Spiritual Growth by A G Daniells

Sanctification by E G White

Walking With God by J N Andrews

Studies on the Book of Romans by E J Waggoner

The Power of Christ by E J Waggoner


Bible Verses


Bible Verses Concerning Receiving Correction

Bible Verses about God's Protection in Time of Trouble


Bible Verses Concerning Studying God's Word

Bible Verses Concerning Dying to Self and the World


Health Articles


God Commanded Christians to not eat Meat with Blood

Health Reform Message

Health News


Herbal Tea Recipes for Various Illnesses

Study Shows Anti-Cancer Power of Vegetables


World End Time Events


Mass Animal Deaths

End Times Prophecy News


Bee Deaths List

Our Dying World


If you are willing and able, please consider supporting our ministry

We are living in the very end times, just before the mark of the beast is to be enforced and the seven last plagues are to be poured out upon those who continue to reject and disobey the commandments of our Creator God. Please study God's Word with an open heart, ready to be taught the precious truths that God is waiting to bless you with.

It is our hope with the above prophecy Bible studies and articles that God will help open your eyes as to what is going on in this world and what is to come. These studies reveal amazing truths and can help to prepare you for the last days. But please don't just take our word as truth. Study these things for yourself and let God guide you in all things.