On this page you will find important tracts and books full of historical and end time truths that everyone need to know. These books are in PDF format which you can download onto your computer or mobile device for reading offline. There is a history that is being covered up by the Papacy which these books reveal. And the end time truths revealed in these books will be a great help to everyone.
Also, we have some end time tracts for you to print and distribute, that contain important truths concerning the time we live in, as seen below. The tracts are designed to be printed onto a single piece of A4 paper in booklet form, printed both sides of A4, and then folded into an A5 booklet. They are in PDF format, so if you use Adobe PDF Reader, then you should be able to print in booklet form.
The following 10 tracts are available for downloading and printing for you to distribute - 1. HOPE IN JESUS tract 2. END TIME HERALD BOOKLET - 3. THREE ANGELS MESSAGE tract - 4. EUROPE AND DANIEL PROPHECY tract - 5. COVID tract - 6. IT's COMING tract - 7. EIGHT LAWS OF HEALTH tract - 8. WHY? tract - 9. SABBATH TRUTH tract - 10. DAY OF THE LORD tract (click on the images below to download).
"Let believers be quickened by the grace of Christ to work for the saving of their fellow beings. Let the publications containing Bible truth be scattered like the leaves of autumn." (Review and Herald, Apr.29, 1909)
Please Note: Chrome and Microsoft Edge show an error on some of the books. So if you have any difficulty downloading some books, then try using Firefox, as this works fine.
- 1884 "Harvestime Books" Edition of The Great Controversy. A classic book and a truly inspired book, detailing the history of the church, through persecutions and triumphs. It reveals vital information regarding Bible prophecy and end time events. This is truly a book, next to the Bible, that all people need to read.
For the original 1884 version CLICK HERE
- 1897 Edition of Daniel and the Revelation. A detailed verse by verse study of the Biblical books Daniel and Revelation. These two books contain vital information regarding the end times we live in, so an understanding of them is important. Use this book as a study guide to gain a clearer understanding of these two great prophecy books of the Bible.
We now also have a SPANISH translation of the 1897 Daniel and the Revelation - CLICK HERE
- Christ our Righteousness is E. J. Waggoner's teaching and phrasing upon the grand subject of Righteousness by Faith. This is an all important subject that everyone must understand. This edition is a copy of the 1892 version published by Waggoner in England.
- The Two Republics of Rome and the United States of America by A.T.Jones is an extensive book which traces the history of the republic of Rome, and how it eventually decayed into a false theocratical government used by the Catholic Church; and then compares this with the republic of the United States of America, and how it is prophesied to follow a similar course (in Revelation 13). Knowing what happened in history will help us understand what will happen in the future, as God said in His Word, "what has been will be again" (Eccl.1:9). The history of Pagan and then Papal Rome stands as a warning to the United States, and to all nations, of what to expect when religion is married to the civil state.
- Natural Remedies Encyclopedia is a treasure trove of natural remedies, containing over 11,000 remedies for over 700 diseases. This is a must have book to not only help you and your family, but also to help you be a medical missionary for the Lord.
Another book of herbal remedies you can download is this LOST BOOK OF HERBAL REMEDIES.
- Truth Triumphant, by B.G.Wilkinson is an account of God's true church in the wilderness, during the Papal supremacy. This history has been covered up by the Papal church of Rome and world leaders. But through this book, you can now find out the truth about God's true people throughout history.
- Story of Daniel the Prophet - Written by Stephen Haskell, this original 1908 book will benefit all who want a straight forward explanation of the prophecies of the book of Daniel. Written in an easy to understand format, this book will be a great help to all.
- Story of the Seer of Patmos - Written by Stephen Haskell, this original 1905 book will benefit all who want a straight forward explanation of the prophecies of the book of Revelation. Written in an easy to understand format, this book will be a great help to all.
- The Eastern Question - "I have just completed a careful reading of Brother H. E. Robinson's book, "The Eastern Question". From its title, one would hardly form an idea of the various important questions which are treated in the book, but they all have a bearing on the final settlement of the Eastern question, which question really is, "What disposition is to be finally made of the Turkish power? and what is ultimately to be done with the territory which he now occupies?" The various theories on that subject are carefully examined in the book, and the Bible settlement of the case is clearly presented. Let all secure and read the book. They will be amply repaid for so doing." (J.N.Loughborough, Review and Herald, Jan.25, 1898, Vol.75, No.4)
- Bible Readings for the Home Circle (1889 version) is a beautiful book containing thousands of straight forward question and answers covering many Bible topics. This book will be a great help in your personal Bible study and will profit you in your understanding of many scripture topics. Be blessed in your study.
- Steps to Christ - A small but beautiful book which leads us to Christ. In a world today where the majority follow each other and put their trust in the leaders, this message is vital to understand. We are not saved by our churches, and we cannot save ourselves. It is Christ and HIS righteousness alone, which works IN US, through the indwelling of His prescence.
- The Cross and It's Shadow - The person who reads this book will find a depth and richness in the types and shadows instituted in the Jewish economy that they have not seen before. Exalted views of Christ's atoning work cannot be fully realized until we have a better understanding of the foundations laid in the Old Testament.
- "I believe the Sanctuary, to be cleansed at the end of the 2300 days, is the New Jerusalem Temple, of which Christ is a minister. The Lord shew me in vision, more than one year ago, that Brother Crosier had the true light, on the cleansing of the Sanctuary, and that it was his will, that Brother C. should write out the view which he gave us in the Day-Star, Extra, February 7, 1846. I feel fully authorized by the Lord, to recommend that Extra, to every saint. I pray that these lines may prove a blessing to you, and all the dear children who may read them." (E.White, A Word to the Little Flock, p.12-13)
For the original Day-Star Extra article, CLICK HERE
- Our Authorized Bible Vindicated, by B.G.Wilkinson defends the authority of the 'Authorized King James Version' of the Bible, and shows why we should be weary of the other versions which came later. The King James Version has been attacked and suppressed over the years, but this book will restore your faith in God's Word.
- The Broken Blueprint shows the blueprint plan that God had for the educational and medical training centers of the early Seventh-day Adventist Church, and how that blueprint was broken by leaders of the church who changed God's plan to conform to the world.
- The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop gives evidence of the similarities between the religion of ancient Babylon and the Roman Catholic Church, showing that the beliefs of the Papal Church, like their trinity god, are in fact, not taken from God's Word, but from heathen Babylon.
- Foxe's Book of Martyrs chronicles the persecution that God's true people have had to endure throughout the years. It details some of the most horrible abuses, tortures and killings that the Roman Catholic Church enforced upon God's people during the dark ages of Papal rule.