"The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it." (George Orwell)
Updated news for 2025 which we believe relate to the end times and Bible prophecy. The news is full of Bible prophecy fulfilling events now, and there can be no doubt that we are living in the last days. Scroll down to see the news updates and you will see without doubt, taking into account the many endtime signs shown throughout this site, that we are living just before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
"The agencies of evil are combining their forces and consolidating. They are strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. The condition of things in the world shows that troublous times are right upon us." (Testimonies for the Church, Vol.9, p.11)
GET READY, GET READY, THE SIGNS SHOW THAT THE CLOSE OF PROBATION AND RETURN OF CHRIST IS 'AT THE DOOR' Dear friend, take a look around you. What do you see? War and the nations gathering for more war. Economic woes, massive inflation, crime on all sides, wickedness everywhere, natural disasters, famine, etc, etc. We are living in a time like no other before us, and yet just as in the days of Noah and Lot, people continue to 'eat and drink' and live as if nothing is going to happen. Wake up! For our salvation draweth nigh! "Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory ... when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." (Matthew 24:30-33) Please heed the message - see our following page: |
CONNECTING OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS: We have started a database [no personal information] to connect people of like faith with others in their areas. So if you agree with our teachings and would like to be added to the database to connect with other brethren in your area, then email us your first name and the area you live and we will try to connect you: help@end-times-prophecy.org
Download a COMPLETE offline version of this website - More and more restrictions are being placed on free speech and Bible truth, with governments starting to heavily regulate the internet. Therefore, this website could be taken down one day soon. So we have provided a COMPLETE version of this website which you can download onto your computer and browse without any internet connection - CLICK HERE to download our complete website.
DEAR READER, please see our page SEEK THE LORD TODAY as the close of human probation is coming! OTHER NEWS ITEMS - → → MORE END TIMES NEWS ← ← . SUNDAY LAW AGITATION IN AMERICA - NORTH DAKOTA LAWMAKERS CONSIDERING A BILL TO BRING BACK SUNDAY BLUE LAWS (January 2025) "We are seeing the Sunday rest issue being agitated all around the world and North Dakota law makers have been considering a bill to bring back the Sunday rest blue laws: "North Dakota considers bringing back blue laws with House Bill 1150 - North Dakota lawmakers are debating House Bill 1150, which could reintroduce restrictions on business operations during Sunday mornings." FULL REPORT . ECUMENICAL CHURCHES OF SWITZERLAND PUSHING GOVERNMENT TO LEGISLATE WHAT PEOPLE CAN AND CANNOT DO IN THEIR OWN HOMES ON SUNDAY (January 2025) "This news article is an example of where we will all be heading one day soon - the churches influencing the government as to what we can and cannot do, even in our own homes on Sundays. "There has already been a long standing law in Switzerland regarding Sunday rest, to the point that you would have to get a special permit from government to be able to do business on a Sunday. But a new bill is being proposed, due to the increase in working from home lately, that would allow people to work from their own homes on Sunday without the need of a permit. Those behind this new bill argue that working from home on Sunday doesn't impede their rest period on Sunday." FULL REPORT . 2025 AND THE THREEFOLD UNION OF APOSTATE PROTESTANTISM, CATHOLICISM AND SPIRITUALISM (December 2024) "This is fascinating! 2025 seems to be shaping up to be a very significant year, but it could be even more significant than many of us realize. We were told that a union between forces in this world was coming, as a result of the 'spirits of devils' deceiving. A union between Apostate Protestantism, Catholicism and Spiritualism. Now take a look at these three entities and the year 2025: "APOSTATE PROTESTANTISM - Project 2025 - Project 2025 is a project led by "Conservative Christian" leaders who are seeking to push through "Conservative Christian" policies in government, in response to the liberal left who, they see, have trampled upon Christian values and traditions. And in Donald Trump, they have their man back in the hot seat to be able to push through these policies, which includes the following: "Sabbath Rest. God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest, and until very recently the Judeo-Christian tradition sought to honor that mandate by moral and legal regulation of work on that day. Moreover, a shared day off makes it possible for families and communities to enjoy time off together, rather than as atomized individuals, and provides a healthier cadence of life for everyone. Unfortunately, that communal day of rest has eroded under the pressures of consumerism and secularism, especially for low-income workers. Congress should encourage communal rest by amending the Fair Labor Standards Act to require that workers be paid time and a half for hours worked on the Sabbath. THAT DAY WOULD DEFAULT TO SUNDAY, except for employers with a sincere religious observance of a Sabbath at a different time (e.g., Friday sundown to Saturday sundown); the obligation would transfer to that period instead." FULL REPORT . NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION LEADERS SAY THIS TRUMP PRESIDENCY WILL BRING THE MOST SUPERNATURAL ERA EVER - GREAT DECEPTIONS COMING! (December 2024) "God warned us in the book of Revelation that great deceptions would arise in the last days. God also warned us through the apostle Paul that before the return of Jesus, Satan would use all his power to deceive. Jesus Himself even told us in Matthew 24 that the signs and wonders would be so great as to, if possible, deceive the very elect. And now we are being told that this Trump presidency will be the most 'supernatural era ever: "Dominionist Tim Sheets: Trump Win Brings Era of Church Anointed to Reign - New Apostolic Reformation 'apostle' Tim Sheets, brother of pro-Trump 'apostle' Dutch Sheets, appeared on ElijahStreams Thursday ... Donald Trump's victory will usher in the most supernatural era ever and a higher level of Christianity, Sheets said, along with a kingdom revival and billion-soul harvest. Sheets said God told him that it's time for a newly confident ekklesia - a term dominionists use to refer to the church as a governing body on Earth - to exercise a higher level of authority ... The Ekklesia will now be presented as anointed for war, anointed for battle, anointed to reign ... Our government, the nations' governments, they're about to face a church it's never faced before." FULL REPORT . DONALD TRUMP DECLARES A 'GOLDEN AGE' FOR AMERICA, WHILE ELON MUSK DECLARES 'NEW ORDER OF THE AGES' - AMERICA SOON TO FULFIL ITS ROLE IN REVELATION 13! (November 2024) "Things are truly shaping up for the final events of prophecy to be fulfilled. There is so much buzz concerning the re-election of Donald Trump as the next US President, and Trump and Elon Musk have declared that a 'new age' is coming for America and the world: "Trump vows to lead 'golden age of America' in victory speech: 'Fix everything' - This was, I believe, the greatest political movement of all time. There's never been anything like this in this country, and maybe beyond. And now it's going to reach a new level of importance because we're going to help our country heal ... We're going to fix everything about our country, and we've made history for a reason tonight ... This will truly be the golden age of America." FULL REPORT . VICE PRESIDENT ELECT J.D.VANCE ATTENDED CATHOLIC CONFERENCE IN 2022 PUSHING FOR "BIBLICAL LAWS," INCLUDING SUNDAY LAW, AS THE ONLY WAY OF RECOVERY! (November 2024) "In October 2022, J.D.Vance, the now Vice President elect of America, attended a Catholic conference at the Franciscan University in Ohio, where speakers spoke of the necessity of "restoring traditional Christian morality to a central place in society": "Franciscan University's 'Restoring a Nation' event featured a who's who lineup of influential speakers in the national conservative movement, including Republican Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance ... where traditional Christian morality is restored to a central place in society and mainstream culture, and where leaders in government are comfortable using political power to enforce those religious values ... Overt biblically grounded lawmaking, a concomitant biblically informed constitutional jurisprudence, and an approach to God in the public square that we might think of as an ecumenical integralism, represents our only hope for recovery at this late hour in our ailing, decadent republic ... To prevent [a] dystopian future, several conference speakers called for a restoration of Christian values ... where prayer is readmitted to public schools and commerce is banned on SUNDAYS ... Pecknold spoke of the necessity of a public orientation to God, which he said could be reflected in concrete ways with certain national holidays, civic liturgies and SABBATH LAWS ... A politician who has aligned himself with the national conservatism on display at Franciscan University is J.D. Vance." FULL REPORT . DONALD TRUMP BECOMES 47th PRESIDENT - HE PROMISED THE CHURCHES WILL HAVE POWER LIKE NEVER BEFORE! (November 2024) "It has been confirmed that Donald Trump has won the US President election, and has become the 47th president of the United States of America. Let us be reminded of what Donald Trump promised during the campaign. Speaking to Christians and Christian leaders, Trump said the following: "The great revival of America begins on November 5th 2024 ... the people in this room is the people we want to hear from, and they have to have a political voice ... you have such power, but you weren't allowed to use that power ... if I get in there you are going to be using that power at a level you've never used before .. it's going to bring back the church goer ... we have to bring back our religion, we have to bring back Christianity in this country." FULL REPORT . CHURCH AND STATE - AS PROPHESIED, THE CHURCHES OF BABYLON ARE HEAVILY INVOLVED IN THE UPCOMING US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION (October 2024) "If only the people of the various Christian churches could understand what Bible prophecy says regarding the churches and end time events, they would have nothing to do with politics. But sadly, this isn't the case, which we can see from some recent news articles regarding the soon upcoming US presidential election: "Evangelical grassroots group plans to raise $62M to mobilize the Christian vote in 2024 - One of the nation's leading Christian conservative grassroots advocacy organizations aims to raise over $60 million to mobilize the Christian vote ahead of the 2024 presidential election." FULL REPORT . DOCKWORKERS UNION BOSSES MEET WITH THE POPE EARLIER IN THE YEAR AND NOW MAJOR PORTS IN AMERICA ARE CLOSED DUE TO STRIKING FOR 'A FAIR CONTRACT.' (October 2024) "The influence of the Pope and Catholic Church over the world is clear to see as major ports in America close down due to striking dockworkers, who are seeking for a "fairer contract": "Major US ports will stay shut until pay demands are met, the union boss representing striking dockworkers has said. Harold Daggett, head of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), made the vow on a picket line in New Jersey on Tuesday, as tens of thousands of dockworkers on the east and gulf coasts walked out in a bid to win a better labour deal. We're going to fight for it and we're going to win or this port will never open up again, he said. I'm not playing games here." FULL REPORT . WHAT IS BEHIND THE RECENT RISE IN INFLUENCERS CONVERTING TO CATHOLICISM? (September 2024) "Influencers, the "celebrity" people who have huge influence over the lives of millions around the world are converting to Catholicism. We have seen a number of well known influencers recently convert to Roman Catholicism: "Behind the Catholic Right's Celebrity-Conversion Industrial Complex - On Thursday, May 30, 593 years after Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, Candace Owens came to Scottsdale to take up her sword ... where an upstart group named Catholics for Catholics was throwing a party to welcome Owens 'home' ... It was a month out from Owens's April announcement that she'd joined the Catholic Church. Not to mention ... Russell Brand, who'd begun making videos about the rosary and psychologist turned guru Jordan Peterson, whose wife converted on Easter. A bonanza of speculation arose about who might be next: Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Trump himself? By early spring, LifeSiteNews was publishing articles on "why 'culture warriors' should convert to Catholicism." "Can you feel the energy shifting?" the conservative political advocacy group CatholicVote tweeted repeatedly. "Continue praying for conversions." FULL REPORT . THE WORLD KNOWS SOMETHING BIG IS COMING! - DOOMSDAY PREPPING BUSINESS TO TOP $2.5 BILLION by 2030 - SIGNS OF THE TIMES (August 2024) "More and more people are seeing that this world has entered a very serious point in history, which is why more and more people are turning to what is known as 'prepping': "Doomsday Prepping Poised to Become $2.46 Billion Industry - The once-fringe act of doomsday prepping is evolving into a booming $2.46 billion industry, tapping into a societal pulse of self-reliance amidst a world of uncertainties. The Global Survival Tools Market is slated to soar to $2.46 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 7 percent from 2023 to 2030, according to a March report by Zion Market Research." FULL REPORT . CHRISTIANS UPSET OVER TRANSGENDER 'LAST SUPPER' AT OPENING CEREMONY OF 2024 OLYMPICS - WHAT? DO YOU NOT KNOW SATAN HAS RULED THE OLYMPICS SINCE IT'S INCEPTION? (July 2024) "Yes, this is certainly a sign of the times we live in. Wickedness is being displayed, promoted and celebrated like never before: "The 2024 Olympics opening ceremony in Paris has sparked international outrage with drag-queen themed imagery of religious and historical figures ... One new display on Friday showed what appear to be numerous performers, including drag queens and a large woman in an aureole halo crown, parodying 'The Last Supper,' a universally recognizable painting by renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci of Christ and his apostles." FULL REPORT . DONALD TRUMP'S V.P. PICK, J.D.VANCE, IS A CATHOLIC WHO WILL PUSH PROJECT 2025 TO UNITE CHURCH AND STATE FOR A SUNDAY LAW (July 2024) "Donald Trump's Vice President pick was announced at the Republican convention just yesterday; J.D.Vance, a Roman Catholic who, according to news reports, is at the forefront of Project 2025: "In a profile of Vance, Politico reporter Ian Ward quotes multiple leading Republican figures ... saying that they see Vance as a leading advocate for their cause. Top Trump advisor ... Steve Bannon told Ward that Vance is at the nerve center of this movement. Kevin Roberts, the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation and the driving force behind Project 2025, told Ward that he [Vance] is absolutely going to be one of the leaders - if not the leader - of our movement." FULL REPORT . SIGNS INCREASING - RECORD NATURAL DISASTERS, WARS AND FAMINE (June 2024) "The signs of the times seem to be increasing constantly now. We have made numerous articles showing the increasing turmoil in the world recently and it shows no sign of letting up: "Armed Conflicts In 2023 HIGHEST Since End Of World War II - More armed conflicts took place worldwide in 2023 than any other year since the end of the Second World War, according to a Norwegian study published Monday. Last year saw 59 conflicts of which 28 were in Africa, the the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO) showed." FULL REPORT . POLITICAL TURMOIL IN EUROPE AND AMERICA - CALL FOR THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST SOON? SIGNS OF THE TIMES (June 2024) "Everything is in turmoil right now. Whether you look at society in general, the economy, the political world, nature, it is all in turmoil. And news of the so called 'far-right' gaining significant grounds in recent European elections has brought the political scene in Europe into turmoil: "Far-right gains in EU elections have sent the bloc into turmoil and triggered a political earthquake in France, with President Emmanuel Macron calling snap legislative polls in a high-risk move. Although centrist mainstream parties kept an overall majority in the European Parliament, preliminary results of the vote sent Europe's stock markets and the euro sliding." FULL REPORT . 2024 AND THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES - A "BREAKTHROUGH YEAR" - WAR INCREASING - MAJOR DECEPTIONS COMING - WE MUST BE READY! (June 2024) "We live in a time like no other in history. Yes, what has been will be again and there is "nothing new under the sun." But never before have we experienced ALL the calamities, war, wickedness, civil turmoil and deceptions at the same time like we do now. Just take a look at what is going on in this world: "The 2024 Eurovision Song Contest Was Basically a Demonic Ritual - the world elite had to turn this campy music competition into an outlet for indoctrination. And they couldn't be subtle about it; the entire thing became a heavy-handed embodiment of Sodom and Gomorrah. I wish I were exaggerating or being overly dramatic but, as we'll see, I'm just stating facts." FULL REPORT . OVER 98 PERCENT OF THE WORLD'S NATIONS ARE NOW PLANNING AND TESTING DIGITAL CURRENCIES READY FOR THE REVELATION 13 'NO BUYING AND SELLING' (May 2024) "The 'no buying and selling' prophecy of Revelation 13 is truly an amazing prophecy! Who, 2000 years ago, could have ever imagined that the world would have the technology to do away with cash and completely control our buying and selling through digital means? Only our Heavenly Father could foresee such a thing, which again, shows the divine imprint upon the Bible and the amazing prophecies it contains! And news is coming out regularly today showing this is just where we are heading: "Over 98 percent of the global economy's central banks are researching, experimenting, piloting or deploying central bank digital currency (CBDC) to determine how to modernize the capabilities of and improve access to central bank money." FULL REPORT . THE VATICAN BECOMES THE "MORAL VOICE" AMONGST THE MADNESS OF THE WORLD, DECLARING GENDER THEORY AND TRANSGENDER SURGERY AS AGAINST HUMAN DIGNITY - MAJOR DECEPTIONS AFOOT! (April 2024) "We live in a time of such wickedness and corruption, where not only the laws of God are trampled underfoot, but even common sense seems to have been completely disregarded, to the point of replacing what clearly constitutes a biological man and a woman and replacing it with whatever comes into a persons head. Wicked schemes are pushed in our faces every day, but more and more people are getting fed up of all the nonsense, and who is ready to step in to be that 'moral voice'? The Roman Catholic Church, along with the Evangelical churches: "The Vatican has released a document criticizing gender theory, transgender surgery and surrogacy as affronts to human dignity. Dignitas Infinita, Latin for Infinite Dignity, was released on Monday after more than five years in development by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) and focuses on threats to human dignity in the modern world ... Dignitas Infinita addresses over a dozen individual issues of the modern day through the lens of scripture and church teaching, including abortion, human trafficking, poverty, euthanasia, the death penalty, and more ... It's not a new stance for the church - Pope Francis, forced to confront the rapid rise of gender ideology in recent years, has previously called it one of the world's most dangerous ideological colonizations." FULL REPORT . TRUMP 2.0 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA TO "HAVE POWER LIKE NEVER BEFORE" IF TRUMP ELECTED (March 2024) "In a speech at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention in February 2024, Donald Trump gave a promise to Christians and Christian leaders, take a look: "The great revival of America begins on November 5th 2024 ... the people in this room is the people we want to hear from, and they have to have a political voice ... you have such power, but you weren't allowed to use that power ... if I get in there you are going to be using that power at a level you've never used before .. it's going to bring back the church goer ... we have to bring back our religion, we have to bring back Christianity in this country." FULL REPORT . ARE WE HEADING TOWARDS A WORLDWIDE CIVIL WAR? (February 2024) "Everything we are seeing happening in the world right now is tending towards a large scale civil war breaking out around the world. We are seeing a repeat of the events that led to the French revolution. Take a look at the following quote from over 100 years ago and let us see how it compares with what is happening today: "At the same time anarchy is seeking to sweep away all law, not only divine, but human. The centralizing of wealth and power; the vast combinations for the enriching of the few at the expense of the many; the combinations of the poorer classes for the defense of their interests and claims; the spirit of unrest, of riot and bloodshed; the world-wide dissemination of the same teachings that led to the French Revolution--all are tending to involve the whole world in a struggle similar to that which convulsed France." FULL REPORT . DO YOU SEE NOW WHY GOD GAVE US THE HEALTH MESSAGE? - MYSTERY ILLNESSES, HEART PROBLEMS AND CANCER ARE SKY ROCKETING - SINCE "THE JABS" (February 2024) "It should be plainly obvious by now, especially since 2020, why God gave His people and the world the health message. But for those who are still not sure of the health message and the importance of it, then take a look at the following: "Young people are suffering and dying of cancer in the UK at an explosive rate ... New Cancer Cases in America Projected to Top 2 Million, Hit Record High in 2024 ... Mystery child pneumonia cases skyrocket in Europe as hospitals overrun in China ... England is engulfed in a cardiovascular disease emergency - 100,000 excess heart related deaths since March 2020." FULL REPORT . "THE WORLD IS ON THE THRESHOLD OF GRANDIOSE EVENTS" SAYS BELARUSIAN PRESIDENT - THE SPIRIT OF WAR IS RISING ALL OVER THE WORLD - SATAN'S FINAL DECEPTIONS COMING (January 2024) "I have never known a time before when voices from all across the secular world have given warning after warning of imminent crisis, like we are hearing today. So many things are taking place in our world today, so many signs of the time we live in, nearing the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The spirit of war is rising sharply, the push by world leaders to gain control over our lives is like never before, illness, disease, uprisings, chaos, disasters, all pointing to the final events and return of Christ. The Belarusian President had the following to say recently: "I would like to warn you: the world is on the eve of grandiose events. We are in a precarious situation today. It is like walking on thin ice. One careless move - and we can sink and cause the state to capsize. In all likelihood, this year will be very dramatic ... The whole planet may go up in flames." FULL REPORT . THE SUPER RICH ARE BUILDING DOOMSDAY BUNKERS - THEY KNOW SOMETHING BIG IS COMING - BUT THEY CANNOT HIDE FROM GOD'S JUDGMENT! (January 2024) "For the past few years we have seen more and more reports of the super rich starting to build and prepare doomsday bunkers. Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has now joined the list in building himself a 'hidden bunker:' "Mark Zuckerberg and other billionaires are building massive hidden bunkers - Mark Zuckerberg is building a $100M hidden compound on his Hawaiian island ranch and he doesn't want you to know about it. It's not just the Meta CEO either, billionaires worldwide are adding fortresses to their properties. Why? ... Is Zuck preparing for the apocalypse, or at least some sort of societal collapse? ... If he is getting ready for the end of days, he's not the first multi-billionaire to hedge his bets on the fate of humanity ... Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, said that he and PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel have an 'arrangement' set up in case the world is ending." FULL REPORT . CHRISTIAN LAWMAKERS GATHER IN WASHINGTON TO PUSH "BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES" - IMAGE OF THE BEAST (December 2023) "The National Association of Christian Lawmakers, a group of Christian lawmakers from across the US, met recently in Washington to discuss and find ways to promote "Biblical principles: "Christian Lawmakers from Across the Country Gather in Washington - Recently, I took part in the 6th national meeting of this Association as one of its 33 National Advisory Board members. As its mission statement says, the NACL aims to bring federal, state, and local lawmakers together in support of clear biblical principles by meeting regularly to discuss major issues, propose model statutes, ordinances, and resolutions to address major policy concerns from a biblical world view. The NACL further states that its members have a proven reputation for working hard to address issues such as electing more Christians to serve in public office, restoring faith in America, abolishing abortion, promoting traditional marriage between one man and one woman." FULL REPORT . NETHERLANDS ELECTION RESULT FURTHERS EUROPE'S RIGHT-WING SWING - AND IT's HAPPENING AROUND THE WORLD! (November 2023) "Another election in a major European nation and another result for a right-wing party. Could we be seeing the start of a major swing to more 'conservative right-wing' politics that will capture the world? "Support for right-wing parties across Europe has been surging in a trend that shows no sign of abating ... Geert Wilders, a Dutch political firebrand who professes strong anti-EU and anti-immigrant sentiments, and has demanded a halt to aid to Ukraine, appears to be the latest right-wing politician to ride to victory the wave of popular discontent sweeping the European continent ... exit polls suggested Wilders' Freedom Party (PVV) will be largest group in the next parliament." FULL REPORT . POLAND GOVERNMENT ENTHRONED JESUS AS KING IN 2016 - WHAT FOLLOWED? SUNDAY LAWS! NOW SLOVAKIA STATE SECRETARY SAYS CATHOLIC CHURCH AND GOVERNMENT TOGETHER WILL SOON ENTHRONE JESUS AS KING - REVELATION PROPHECY! (November 2023) "Back in 2016 the Polish government together with the Roman Catholic Church, after a vote in parliament decided to enthrone Jesus Christ as their King. The ceremony took place in Krakow with the President of Poland and a number of government leaders in attendance: "After a vote in the Polish parliament in April, Our Lord Jesus Christ was officially crowned the king of Poland last weekend ... The coronation, which took place on November 19th in Krakow, attracted thousands of believers - including President Andrzej Duda and several MPs." FULL REPORT . MIDDLE EAST WAR INTESIFYING - MUSLIM WORLD ANGRY - TURKEY CALLS FOR PALESTINIAN STATE WITH JERUSALEM AS CAPITAL - ROAD TO ARMAGEDDON - IMPORTANT WARNING FROM JESUS (October 2023) "Things are getting hotter by the day, not only in the Middle East, but around the world. The signs are getting stronger and stronger, pointing to the soon coming time of trouble, the battle of Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ. In light of this, there is an important warning from Jesus in Revelation 16 which we must all give attention to. But first, let us see what is going on: "Israel intensifies strikes as fears grow of war spiralling into wider conflict - Israel followed through on its vow to intensify attacks, striking targets across Gaza as well as a mosque in the occupied West Bank and two airports in Syria over the weekend. The war with Hamas is threatening to spiral into a broader conflict, with the US warning Iran that if this war grows, it is coming to your backyard." FULL REPORT . WHY ARE PUBLIC WARNING SYSTEMS SUDDENLY SOUNDING AROUND THE WORLD? SIGN OF THE TIMES - GOD'S WARNING MUST BE GIVEN! (October 2023) "Numerous countries around the world have recently introduced and tested public warning systems that transmit warning messages on mobile phones, tv's, radios, etc. It's like an apocalyptic movie being played out around the world right now. But it comes as no surprise to those who know Bible prophecy: Emergency alert to be tested on US cellphones, TV and radio - A test for the US emergency alert system will be conducted on Wednesday, but it is already being met with internet conspiracy theories. The nationwide test is scheduled for 2.20pm ET and will play on US cellphones and TV and radio stations." FULL REPORT . CLIMATE CHANGE GREEN AGENDA FAULTERING? WILL PROJECT 2025 FOR A COMMUNAL SUNDAY REST BE THE SOLUTION? (September 2023) "There is rising resistance to the climate change green agenda around the world, with more and more governments being slowly taken over by more 'right-wing' people. Is the climate change agenda derailing? Take a look at what Reuters reported just this week: Resistance to green policies around Europe - Europe faces growing pushback against policies to address climate change and protect the environment, causing its green agenda to start to fray. Here are some countries where the 'greenlash' is greatest." FULL REPORT . VACCINES, DIGITAL CURRENCIES, LOCKDOWNS, 2030 AGENDA - IT'S ALL HAPPENING - BUT REMEMBER! REVELATION 13 SAYS MIRACULOUS SIGNS AND WONDERS WILL BE USED TO DECEIVE THE WORLD - GREATER DECEPTION YET TO COME! (September 2023) "It's all happening! The signs we are seeing and the things taking place in this world surely point to the soon coming final events, the mark of the beast, the time of trouble and the return of Jesus Christ. Apart from the usual signs of wars, natural disasters, pestilence, social breakdown and love waxing cold, we now have the push for a digital currency, cashless society, vaccines and lockdowns for so called 'climate change.' We live in unprecedented times for sure! But there is one important thing to remember, which Revelation and other Bible verses reveal: Revelation 13:13-14 ...'And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live." FULL REPORT . THE DECEPTION OF ARCHBISHOP VIGANO (September 2023) "Archbishop Vigano is an outspoken Catholic bishop who regularly speaks against the plans of the "globalist" leaders and even speaks against Pope Francis. For this he has gained a following amongst right wing Christians. But if you take a look at what he said in a recent interview, you will see that he is simply being used to deceive right wing Christians who are against the "globalists." Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has once again condemned the rise of 'globalism,' stating that it prepares humanity 'for the political rise of the Antichrist.' In an August 24 interview with a French-language news outlet, Vigano commented on the rise of 'globalism' and its impact upon society. Re-issuing a denouncement of globalism which he has consistently made, the archbishop linked corruption in society to corruption in the Catholic Church: The element that in my opinion needs to be made clear - for the denunciation to be complete - is the specular relationship between the coup of the deep state in the civil sphere and the similar coup of the deep church in the ecclesiastical sphere ... For Satan's plan is to establish the reign of the Antichrist, giving him a way to parody the earthly life of Christ ... Globalism constitutes, so to speak, the stage set-up, the script and the screenplay that must prepare humanity for the political rise of the Antichrist ... In opposition to the Catholic faith which such anti-life movements oppose, globalism is 'a religion' spread through 'woke ideology,' the archbishop stated. While Catholicism is centered on Christ, globalists apply Catholic principles of 'social kingship,' but proclaim Satan king of societies." FULL REPORT . END TIME DECEPTION - AROUND HALF OF AMERICANS REPORT HAVING COMMUNICATION WITH DEAD RELATIVES (September 2023) "According to a recent survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in America, around half of Americans have reported having some sort of communication with dead relatives: Many Americans report that their relationships with loved ones continue past death in some way, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. Around half of U.S. adults (53 percent) say they've been visited by a dead family member in a dream or some other form. And substantial shares say they've had interactions with dead relatives in the past 12 months." FULL REPORT . THE WORLD IS EXPERIENCING INCREDIBLE TURMOIL THAT CONTINUES TO INCREASE - SIGNS OF THE END TIMES (August 2023) "The frequency at which this world is thrown into turmoil now is incredible. We are seeing a constant increase in commotion, whether it be natural disasters, wars and conflicts, protests, crime, economic instability, it is all happening at an incredible pace: THE WORLD IS BEING GRIPPED BY WAR FEVER - Not only do we have the continued war in Ukraine with Russia, with many other nations getting involved now, there are fears of a looming war in Niger, Africa (see here). Also, over 3000 US troops have arrived in the Red Sea aboard two war ships due to tensions with Iran (see here). And China is threatening to attack Taiwan (see here). Conflicts also continue between Israel and Palestine on a daily basis." FULL REPORT . UNITED NATIONS PLANNING LINKING DIGITAL ID TO BANK ACCOUNTS (July 2023) "The United Nations (UN) is planning to introduce a global digital ID system that is linked to individuals' bank accounts. The plan is outlined in a new policy brief called "A Global Digital Compact.": Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes." FULL REPORT .
KING CHARLES ACTIVATES CLIMATE COUNTDOWN, WARNING THERE IS ONLY 6 YEARS LEFT TO ACHIEVE "At a ceremony in London, with the mayor of London, King Charles launched a climate clock, warning that there is only 6 years left to achieve "global warming limits": King Charles and London Mayor Sadiq Khan have launched a National Climate Clock, which warns there is just six years left for the world to limit global warning. The King activated the clock during the Climate Innovation Forum at the Guildhall in London today, to warn the world it has just six years and 24 days to limit the heating of the earth to 1.5 degrees centigrade." FULL REPORT . UNITED NATIONS CALLING FOR 7 YEARS OF ACCELERATED, TRANSFORMATIVE ACTION TO ACHIEVE 2030 GOALS - AN "OVERWHELMING SURPRISE" IS COMING! IS YOUR HOUSE IN ORDER? (June 2023) "In a news release last week, the United Nations issued a call to the world saying that time is running out and that the world needs 7 years of accelerated action concerning the 2030 agenda. Just look at the language used: Today, at the halfway point to 2030, that promise is in peril and a fundamental shift is needed - in commitment, solidarity, financing, and action - to put the world on a better path. And it is needed now ... Giving up on the SDGs or extending the deadline to meet them is not an option ... we are fast running out of time to correct course ... There is a narrowing window of opportunity over the next seven years to redouble our efforts ... Delivering change at the speed and scale required to achieve the SDGs by 2030 will demand that political leaders make bold decisions to match their ambitions. It will require transferring resources from one sector to another, creating new regulatory environments, deploying new technologies, and mobilizing of a wide range of actors to advance disruptive change." FULL REPORT . GOD WARNED US ABOUT PAPAL ROME, BUT THE WORLD TURNED A BLIND EYE AND IS NOW CAUGHT IN HER NET! (June 2023) "God warned us! He warned us good! But the world and the churches have turned a blind eye to the warning and are now caught in Papal Rome's net, falling headlong into her final deception. In an interview just yesterday on Fox news (20th June 2023), Donald Trump said the following: China is a very smart country, they own us. Until I came along, they just owned every president. That is a DIVERSION from the truth, and it shows that Trump is also under the snare of Papal Rome and probably controlled opposition, and those who think he is going to be some kind of 'saviour' are going to fall right into Satan's trap! Please pay careful attention to the following and study this for yourself, so that you may see the TRUTH of the matter." FULL REPORT . TRUMP SAYS DEMOLISHING THE DEEP STATE IS THE FINAL BATTLE, ASKING PEOPLE TO STAND BY HIS SIDE - THIS IS A DECEPTION, WE NEED TO STAND BY THE SIDE OF JESUS CHRIST (June 2023) "In a recent speech in North Carolina, Donald Trump promised to demolish the deep state if the people would stand by his side, saying this is the 'final battle': This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country." FULL REPORT . US FEDERAL RESERVE LAUNCHING NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM CALLED 'FEDNOW' WHICH WILL AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS BETWEEN BUYERS, SELLERS AND BANKS (May 2023) "The US Federal Reserve are launching a new digital system that will sit right in between buyers, sellers and the banks as an authorizing system to authorize all payments and selling requests. It will start operating in July this year and is being touted as an 'instant payment' system: The Federal Reserve announced that the FedNow Service will start operating in July and provided details on preparations for launch ... We couldn't be more excited about the forthcoming FedNow launch, which will enable every participating financial institution, the smallest to the largest and from all corners of the country, to offer a modern instant payment solution. With the launch drawing near, we urge financial institutions and their industry partners to move full steam ahead with preparations to join the FedNow Service." FULL REPORT . WILL THE BRICS NATIONS FORM A 'NEW WORLD ORDER' AND TOPPLE AMERICAN DOMINANCE? (April 2023) "Many believe that America's days of world dominance are over and we are now seeing the formation of a 'new world order' with the BRICS nations of Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa coming together to topple the dominance of America and the Dollar over the world: BRICS nations offer a new world order as alternative to the West - The acronym began as a somewhat optimistic term to describe what were the world's fastest-growing economies at the time. But now the BRICS nations-Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa-are setting themselves up as an alternative to existing international financial and political forums." FULL REPORT . THE WORLD IS TELLING US WHAT THE BIBLE WARNED WAS COMING - PREPARE FOR ARMAGEDDON! (March 2023) "We are heading for the climax event in this world, the battle of Armageddon, which the Bible warned was going to take place in the very end times, and the world is now even warning of this impending war. Prepare for Armageddon: China's warning to the world - The message coming out of China is getting louder by the day. It doesn't like other countries ... ganging up and meddling in its affairs. President Xi Jinping has ratcheted up the rhetoric by warning of the perils of a new cold war. A loose translation is if we don't stop poking the panda, we'll face serious consequences. Now it's worth taking the threat seriously because Xi controls the largest military force in the world, and as one of his supporters cautions ... the cost of conflict with China could be Armageddon." FULL REPORT . THREE BANKS COLLAPSE IN PAST COUPLE WEEKS - MONEY WILL FAIL US - WE NEED FAITH NOW MORE THAN ANYTHING AND TO USE OUR MEANS NOW FOR GOD'S KINGDOM! (March 2023) "Credit Suisse, one of the oldest banks in the world, along with 2 other banks in America, collapsed this past couple weeks, sending shockwaves around the world: Credit Suisse is the latest and most important casualty of a banking crisis of confidence in which two mid-sized US banks have already failed and another has received emergency industry intervention. But as Switzerland's second biggest lender, Credit Suisse was considered one of the top 30 most important banks in the world, which explains the speed of the Swiss authorities' reaction. A rapid rise in global interest rates has hit the value of safe investments that banks store some of their money in. This scared investors and prompted share prices to tumble with the weakest hit hardest." FULL REPORT . ECONOMISTS IN AMERICA BLAME THE REPEAL OF SUNDAY BLUE LAWS TO THE RISE IN DEATH AND DESPAIR - ALSO, COLOMBIA'S NEW LAW ENFORCES A MANDATORY DAY OF REST "WHICH MAY FALL ON SUNDAY" (January 2023) "We were told that this would happen! As death and despair rises around the world, the blame is being put on the repeal of the Sunday rest blue laws and decline in religion: A trio of economists has tied the rise in death and despair to the decline in religious practice in America ... The recent dramatic increase in deaths of despair, suicides, fatal drug overdoses, and deaths due to alcoholism, is directly connected to the decline in organized religion in the United States- and to the repeal of blue laws that once prohibited some commerce on Sundays in observance of the Christian Sabbath ... Using graphical analysis and difference-in-differences methods, the economists were able to map a DIRECT CONNECTION BETWEEN THE REPEAL OF THESE LAWS AND THE INCREASE IN DEATHS OF DESPAIR." FULL REPORT . SCIENTISTS SAY WE ARE IN THE MIDST OF A "MASS EXTINCTION NOT SEEN SINCE THE DINOSAURS" - SADLY, THEY DON'T KNOW WHY? - END TIME SIGNS! (January 2023) "Scientists are telling us that we are in the midst of the worst mass extinction that our world has seen since the days of the dinosaurs. Now while I'm not fully convinced that dinosaurs existed, as God told Noah to take every creature onto the ark (Genesis 6:19), what was that great 'extinction' event that took place? The flood. And today scientists are saying that what we are seeing today is the worst since that time: The scientists you're about to meet say the Earth is suffering a crisis of mass extinction on a scale unseen since the dinosaurs. ... the next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we're used to." FULL REPORT . LIKE THE CHIEF PRIESTS OF OLD, THE CHURCHES TODAY PROCLAIM - 'WE HAVE NO KING BUT CAESAR!' (January 2023) "When Jesus was brought before the Roman govenor Pilate to be judged, with the Jews crying out for Jesus to be crucified, Pilate asked ... "shall I crucify your King?" (John 19:15). The response of the chief priests was ... "we have no king but Caesar." The Jewish leaders had united themselves with the state power, and as we can see from the crucifixion of Christ, they not only relied upon the state power, making it their 'king', the Jews were also able to influence the state to do their bidding. Pilate wanted to set Jesus free, but it was the influence of the Jews (God's professed people) upon the state power that brought about the crucifixion of God's dear Son." FULL REPORT . |
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There are so many things happening in this world today of which we have never seen before. Major events that are taking place more and more frequently and with more intensity. There is no doubt we are living in the end times, and these news items only further prove where we are in history. Friends, it's time to BE READY! It may be a few years, it may be ten years. All we know is that Jesus is soon to return and we need to heed the warning signs and be ready.
For older end time news articles, please see the following where you will find archived news.