NEWS UPDATE - 12th September 2024

Influencers, the "celebrity" people who have huge influence over the lives of millions around the world are converting to Catholicism. We have seen a number of well known influencers recently convert to Roman Catholicism:

"Behind the Catholic Right's Celebrity-Conversion Industrial Complex - On Thursday, May 30, 593 years after Joan of Arc was burned at the stake, Candace Owens came to Scottsdale to take up her sword ... where an upstart group named Catholics for Catholics was throwing a party to welcome Owens 'home' ... It was a month out from Owens's April announcement that she'd joined the Catholic Church. Not to mention ... Russell Brand, who'd begun making videos about the rosary and psychologist turned guru Jordan Peterson, whose wife converted on Easter. A bonanza of speculation arose about who might be next: Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Trump himself? By early spring, LifeSiteNews was publishing articles on "why 'culture warriors' should convert to Catholicism." "Can you feel the energy shifting?" the conservative political advocacy group CatholicVote tweeted repeatedly. "Continue praying for conversions." (source)

One thing you will notice with these recent 'high profile' figures converting to Catholicism, is that they are heavily involved in the political realm. And so what is the purpose behind these influencers converting to Roman Catholicism? Well, it is simple. Revelation 13 tells us that the world would 'wonder after the beast' (wonder after Papal Rome). So they are using these influencers to position the Catholic Church as the answer to the world's problems and cause the world to be more open and accepting of the Catholic Church. Revelation 17 shows us that it is the church, not God's church, but the apostate, fallen churches (Roman Catholic and Protestant) riding and controlling the state power. And Revelation 13 also tells us that the second beast (America) is to form an image to the first beast (Papal Rome), and that image, which will be a church-state alliance in America, with the (fallen) churches controlling the state power, will cause the world to receive the mark of Papal Rome.

So do you see why more and more influencers, especially those involved in the political realm, are converting to Catholicism? The TRUE faith of Jesus Christ has no connection with the political realm whatsoever (John 18:36). But the fallen, apostate churches are heavily connected with the state power, because they have lost the power of God. Therefore they turn to the state power, just like the Jews of old in the New Testament. So the Catholic Church is using these influencers to influence the world to be more open and accepting of the Catholic Church, and the other fallen, apostate churches, ready for the soon coming mark of the beast - the Sunday law of Papal Rome.

Jesus Christ the Son of the living God is the only answer to the world's problems. The world's churches are fallen and are known of God as "Babylon." These churches, including the Roman Catholic Church and fallen Protestant churches, are charged with making the world drunk with their worldly fornication (Rev.17 + 18). Do not be deceived by these churches or these influencers. Follow Jesus Christ and the Word of God alone.