NEWS UPDATE - 20th January 2025
This news article is an example of where we will all be heading one day
soon - the churches influencing the government as to what we can and cannot do, even in our own homes on Sundays.
There has already been a long standing law in Switzerland regarding Sunday rest, to the point that you would have to get a special permit from government to be able to do business on a Sunday. But a new bill is being proposed, due to the increase in working from home lately, that would allow people to work from their own homes on Sunday without the need of a permit. Those behind this new bill argue that working from home on Sunday doesn't impede their rest period on Sunday:
"Parliamentary initiative 16.484 - More freedom when working from home - More and more employers are allowing their employees to do some of their work at home (in the home office). This can help employees to cope more easily with stress at work or to better reconcile work and family life ... Parliament is therefore requested to modernise the EmpA as follows: ... No permit is required for Sunday work performed by employees who can determine a significant part of their working hours themselves in their homes ... the public Sunday rest would not be disturbed in any way if the employee performs the Sunday work at home. A Sunday work permit should therefore not be required for Sunday work performed by employees who can determine a significant part of their working hours themselves in their homes." (source)
Now isn't that a good and fair law? That people should be able to determine themselves what they can and cannot do in their own homes? Well, NOT according to the ecumenical churches of Switzerland! It's not enough for them to give the people FREE WILL to CHOOSE what they do and don't do on Sunday! No! The churches want complete control regarding Sunday and will do whatever they can to influence the government to have control over the people as to what they can and cannot do on Sundays. ',' a church ecumenical organisation, made an official protest against this:
"The umbrella organization speaks out against the parliament in its response to the consultation lamentary initiative 'More creative freedom when working from home.' firmly rejects the proposed exceptions to the ban on Sunday work." (source)
This is a profound overreach by the churches to try and influence government regarding what people can and cannot do in their own homes. But then we were expecting this to happen, due to the uniting of church and state, with the church influencing the state power, just as Revelation 13 and 17 prophesied. And what we see here is an example of what is coming worldwide - the churches intruding into our own personal conscience and lives to enforce an institution (Sunday keeping), NOT of God, but of Roman Catholicism. Sunday is uplifted in place of the holy 7th day Sabbath of Jehovah (our Saturday), thanks to the falsehoods of Roman Catholicism being pushed upon the world. And this will be the central issue of the mark of the beast deception. Keep watch and stay close to Jesus!
For more on this issue, please see our following study pages: