The following are books that have been created by friends of this ministry. They are in PDF format for you to download to your device. Just click on the picture of the book.

Please Note: Chrome and Microsoft Edge somtimes show an error on some of the books. So if you have any difficulty downloading some books, then try using Firefox, as this works fine.

- Written by Jodel Moore, this is an excellent, indepth study on the Biblical one true God and His Son and the apostasy from this truth within the church.







First Angels Message Book - Written by a friend of this ministry, this small book analyzes the Godhead message within the first angels message.







- Written by another friend of this ministry, this small book is for all professed Christians, but especially for Seventh-day Adventists. It examines the central message of WORSHIP within the three angels message and shows how God's professed people have fallen into idolatry.






- Written by my brother, this small booklet gives an introduction into the all important truth about God. Who is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit? This booklet shows the truth from the Bible.








- This is a Spanish version of the above booklet - The Truth about God.









- A small book made by a friend of this ministry explaining how it is Christ who comes to us as the Comforter.






