20 - The harlot sits upon many 'waters' (Revelation 17:1). Meaning she sits upon lots of nations, people and tongues (Revelation 17:15).
21 - The harlot has 'committed fornication with the kings of the earth' (Revelation 17:2). Meaning the kings have united with Babylon forming a church/state alliance
and forced her decrees upon the people of the world.
22 - The earth has been 'made drunk' with the wine of Babylon (Revelation 17:2). Meaning, she has deceived the world with her false teachings.
23 - Babylon is dressed in 'purple and scarlet' and 'decked with gold and precious stones' (Revelation 17:4). Meaning her 'special colours' are Purple and Scarlet.
Also Purple is a royal and priestly colour, so the harlot would place herself in a position of royalty and a position of preisthood. Scarlet in the Bible denotes
the colour of sin (Isaiah 1:18) and is also the colour of the dragon, which is satan. Also, Babylon is very rich.
24 - Babylon has a cup 'full of abominations' (Revelation 17:4). Meaning she has committed great abominations against God and against mankind.
25 - John 'wondered' (or was greatly amazed) at the sight of Babylon (Revelation 17:5). Meaning that something about her look or actions amazed John.
26 - Babylon is the 'MOTHER of harlots' (Revelation 17:5). Meaning she has harlot daughters.
27 - She is the 'great city that reigns over the kings of the earth' (Revelation 17:18).
28 - Babylon thinks she is a 'queen' to the world and will see no sorrow (Revelation 18:7). Meaning, she thinks she is the only true church and that all people
need her. She has placed herself in this high position over the people and thinks she cannot be touched.
29 - The voice of the bride and bridegroom shall no longer be heard in her (Revelation 18:23). Whether this is taken literally or symbolically, it still means
Babylon is a church, as people get married in a church and symbolically, Christ is the bridegroom and we are His bride, again pointing to a church.
There is only one city/institution/religion that matches perfectly with Babylon the Great, and that is the Roman Catholic Church.
20 - The Roman Catholic Church is supported by over 1 Billion people worldwide and has people and leaders in nearly every (if not every) nation on earth. 21 -
The Roman Catholic Church has 'diplomatic relations' with nearly all the countries on the planet, and she unites with the leaders of this world to push her
decrees. 22 - The vast majority of professed Christians worldwide, whether Catholic or not have been deceived by the Vatican's false teachings. Specifically,
they have embraced Rome's false SUN-day sabbath. Her false trinity doctrine and her false teaching on the 'immortal soul'. As well as other falsehoods. 23 -
The main colours of the bishops and cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church are purple and scarlet. And you only need to look at the Vatican and the Catholic
Church's other buildings to see how much she is decked with gold and precious stones. Some say the Roman Church is the wealthiest institution on earth.
24 - The Roman Catholic Church has committed abomination after abomination throughout her history. She has tortured and killed MILLIONS of God's people. She
has sexually abused and killed countless numbers of little children. She is full of homosexual priests and leaders. Just to name a few abominations. 25 -
John wondered in great amazement because he saw a church who professed to be God's people (Roman Catholic Church) doing horrendous acts 'in the name of God',
which the Roman Church HAS done. 26 - Who else has 'harlot daughters' like the Roman Catholic Church? Her daughters are Orthodox church and
the ex-Protestant churches, who held on to Rome's teachings (like Sunday sabbath and soul immortality) and have now run back to their 'mother' and embraced
her once more. 27 - The Vatican is THAT 'great city which reigns over the kings of the earth'. All leaders of the earth come to the Vatican to seek council from
the pope(s). As stated above, the Vatican has diplomatic relations with virtually all nations on earth. 28 - The Roman Catholic Church states that she is the
only true church and that we need to be united with her to gain salvation. She acts as 'queen' of the earth and places Mary as the 'queen of heaven'. 29 -
The Roman Catholic Church is that 'church' in which the voice of the bride and bridegroom will no longer be heard in her, because she is soon to be destroyed
by the kings of the earth (Revelation 17:16) and the Lord at His coming.
There is no other religion, institution, city or kingdom that matches the Bible antichrist the way the Papal Church of Rome does. It's a PERFECT match! And do
you remember what we showed you above how satan wants to be IN PLACE OF God and Jesus? Well, he is using the Roman Catholic Church to take the place of Jesus on
earth and cause the world to worship him through this church. Even John Paul II admitted in his book that the pope(s) TAKE THE PLACE OF Jesus on earth:
"The leader of the Catholic church is defined by the faith as the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such
by believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who TAKES THE PLACE of the Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity.' (John Paul II, Crossing
the Threshold of Hope, p. 3, 1994)
But the Bible clearly tells us that it is God's Spirit that takes the place of Jesus on earth. NOT the pope!
Remember: ANTI-Christ = IN PLACE OF-Christ = Roman Catholic Church!