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We can all see the ecumenical movement that is being pushed now, how the churches are coming Ecumenism Trinittogether and uniting back with the Roman Catholic Church. Now many of these churches will tell you openly that there are still differences between them. So the question is, what is the 'glue' that brings these churches together in unity? Take a look at the following quotes:

"Pope Francis says that ecumenism is a spiritual process rooted in the trinity." (source)

"Does Trinitarian reflection play a significant role in ecumenical dialogue? ... David Fergusson shows how the agreement of Christians regarding the doctrine of the trinity has stimulated efforts to extend this agreement to other areas of faith and practice (doctrinal, liturgical, and moral) informed by Trinitarian reflection." (The Oxford Handbook of the Trinity - source)

"The central ecumenical importance of the doctrine of the Trinity has become increasingly recognized in recent years." (MATTHIAS HAUDEL, professor of theology at Munster Protestant Theological University, Germany - source)

The "Global Christian Forum" states that to be part of their ecumenical movement, you need to "confess the triune god" (source)

"The Trinity calls us to solidarity with others" (Pope Francis - source)

"We are on the same team ... When you talk about Pentecostals, charismatics, evangelicals, fundamentalists, Catholics, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, on and on, they would all say we believe in the Trinity." (Rick Warren - source)

"The Seventh-day Adventist Church cannot be treated either as a 'new religious movement,' or as a sect, declares a joint statement drawn by the Roman Catholic Church and the Adventist Church in Poland ... the document was issued following 15 years of dialogue aimed at better understanding of the teachings and practice of the Catholic and the Adventist Churches, as well as improving relations ... The statement was signed by representatives of the Churches, including Pastor Wladyslaw Polok, president of the Adventist Church in Poland, and Archbishop Alfons Nossol, chairman of the Polish Episcopate's Commission for Ecumenical Affairs ... both sides affirm a need to cultivate respect for each other and learn to understand each other ... This is an important turn of events for our Church, says Prof. Zachariasz Lyko ... Over the years, however, as the exchange of information between us took place, we noted many confessional similarities but also differences. The Catholic side recognizes in the document the Christocentric character of our beliefs, and especially our belief in the Trinity, as well as ecclesiological identity of the Church, a status affirmed by an act of the Polish Parliament." (source)

Trinity Sun GodSo what is the 'glue' that is bringing all the churches together? The trinity god teaching. The Roman Catholic Church is even 'pleased' with the trinity teaching of the Seventh-day Adventist Church today! A church that God started back in the 1800's to proclaim the "one true God and His Son". So why was the trinity teaching brought into the Seventh-day Adventist Church? To bring the church more in line with the fallen churches of Babylon, where the SDA church could enjoy more ecumenical relations with the fallen churches and not be viewed as a 'cult' anymore. So instead of standing for the truth and proclaiming the truth with God's power, the SDA church gives in to Babylon and joins with her!

Please see our page The DECEPTION that Changed the SDA church

Even Freemasons base their teachings on a trinity - "No doctrine is more fundamental or more emphasized in Freemasonry than that of the Trinity." (source)

The trinity teaching is based on Greek philosophy, not the Bible, and it was put into force as a 'church creed' after the councils between AD325 - AD381. Constantine, a Pagan who merely professed to be a Christian, started the task of bringing unity among the people and presided over the first ecumenical council in AD325 to stamp out any teaching that brought 'division' and to enforce a 'unified' belief. Thus Satan's plan to deceive the world into following the beast and it's false triune god begins, and now today, the majority of professed Christian churches worship the false trinity god of Rome.

But what was the unity that Christ prayed for? Did He pray that we would be united in the 'trinity god'? Let's take a look at a prayer Jesus made to God in John 17:

John 17:23 ...'That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.'

So Christ clearly proclaimed that true unity can only happen in the Father and the Son, NOT this so called 'trinity god'. So this unity that is happening through the ecumenical movement is a unity that is led by Satan, not by God. It is Satan leading the ecumenical movement to unite the churches with the Roman Catholic Church, that 'Mother of harlots'. And Satan is using the false trinity god, which he introduced through Greek philosophy to unite the churches of Babylon.

But "can two walk together except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3)

There is no agreement between God's true people and the churches of Babylon. We must not compromise on the truth for the sake of 'peace' with the world. Jesus said Himself that He did not come to bring peace, 'but a sword' (Matt.10:34), and a sword, which is THE TRUTH - DIVIDES! It will always divide, because the world does not know the one true God and His Son. So instead of compromising on truth for the sake of unity, we must stand firm upon the truth and proclaim it with the power of God's Spirit.

The mark of the beast is soon to be enforced and the majority of people are set to receive it as they are following man, instead of following Christ. They are putting their trust in man and the teaching of men, instead of letting Christ be their teacher and leader.

Friends, the whole world is uniting with the fallen churches and the Papal beast of Rome. The world is 'wondering after the beast', and one day soon persecution will come to all those who stand for the truth - those who worship the one true God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. So we must be ready in Christ, for that day is coming soon. Let us not be taken in by this ecumenical movement, nor the great signs and wonders that will be manifested by Satan. Let us stand upon the truth that is in Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. And let us proclaim it with power, so that God's people still caught up in Babylon can see the truth and come out of her (Revelation 18:1-4).

Please see our page IS THE TRINITY BIBLICAL? for a Bible study on this.