In 1991, the Club of Rome, a group of 'elite' individuals (think tank for the Vatican?), published a book called 'The First Global Revolution.' In that book, they admitted to inventing the climate change agenda as a 'common enemy' of mankind, in order to unite the world. Take a look at the following statement from the 1991 book:
"In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together." (The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.75)
As you can see from the above quote, the Club of Rome admitted to 'coming up with the idea' that 'global warming', (now called 'climate change' because facts prove the earth isn't warming as they said it would) could be used as a 'common enemy' to unite the world together. As stated in the book, they clearly had a plan to try and unite the world and a 'common enemy' would be needed to fulfill this plan:
"It would seem that men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom they can organize themselves and act together." (The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.70)
So this has been 'IN THE PIPELINE' for many years. But obviously, they needed to slowly but surely convert people to this idea that the planet faced such a threat, and that the world needed to unite in order to 'change the world' and 'save the planet.'
And what was the result of mankind 'organizing itself to act together' in times past? The Tower of Babel! And what was the 'common threat' at that time? The fear of another global disaster ...
"The unbelieving consulted among themselves, and agreed to separate from the faithful, whose righteous lives were a continual restraint upon their wicked course. They journeyed a distance from them, and selected a large plain wherein to dwell. They built them a city, and then conceived the idea of building a large tower to reach unto the clouds, that they might dwell together in the city and tower, and be no more scattered. They reasoned that they would secure themselves in case of another flood, for they would build their tower to a much greater height than the waters prevailed in the time of the flood, and all the world would honor them, and they would be as gods, and rule over the people. This tower was calculated to exalt its builders, and was designed to turn the attention of others who should live upon the earth from God to join with them in their idolatry." (E.White, The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 1, p.91)
Please re-read the above quote from Spirit of Prophecy concerning the Tower of Babel, and compare it to what we have going on in the world today! They conceived an idea to 'dwell together' (Ecumenism). They wanted to 'secure themselves in case of another flood' (Climate Change Agenda). They would be 'as gods and rule over the people' (Babylon). The tower was 'designed to turn the attention of the people from God to idol worship' (Sunday Law).
The 'common enemy' during the time when men came together to build the tower of Babel was the fear of another "global ecological disaster" and being scattered. So the people united to build a tower that would 'reach unto heaven.' in order to save themselves from another disaster. (Genesis 11:4). They said ... "let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth." (Genesis 11:4). They weren't interested in God's will, they just wanted to be all united together, to 'make a name for themselves' and secure their own future against this 'threat.' This is the character of Satan - the one whom wanted to make a name FOR HIMSELF (Isaiah 14:13-14).
Do we see this happening again today? Oh yes! Common enemies have been created by Satan and his 'elite' in this world in order to unite the people together, causing them to turn from God and join together in idol worship! Instead of trusting in the Lord, the people are being deceived into coming together upon 'common values' to help 'save the planet.'
God's will is rejected and replaced by 'common universal human values' - Humanism!
"Can we speak today of universal human values that would be common to all the inhabitants of the planet, despite the diversity of their cultures? These questions are not easy to answer and yet they are what our future depends on; a global society can hardly be possible without being based on common or compatible values that will shape attitudes." (The First Global Revolution - A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, p.150)
There is nothing of Jesus Christ in this. There is nothing of seeking God's will. This is the second 'Tower of Babel' being erected, in order to unite and control humanity for the 'common good' to secure their own future in this world. And Satan is the one behind it all.